Not pleasant

talking about the self...

Not even modesty, much less the false one. Here there is nothing false but quite the opposite, for being genuine enough I had to lose away friends in the hundreds. Had to learn to live without the vanity, which for an artist that is much like suicide. However, just like you wanted it, so now it's time to talk to you about me.

  • Because I hardly distinguish myself in the doing that my responsibility of being demands of me, a halo of justice for my values but not my raison d'être...

    Raison d'être goes way further but comes a simpler way anyhow.


books sold


books written


happy fans


written pages

Etapas de mi vida…

1971 – 1980

I remember still saying some common words wrong like any other little child would but I also remember myself philosophizing about the concept of "volition" and knowing who Euterpe was. I also remember having adults stunned with my amazing ability to finishing puzzles in ridiculous times. I was 5 when I got lost in Disneyland, but I swear it wasn't me those three pedos in the costume found dead.

1981- 1990

Being a middle-class young man in Latin America when there was so little for fascination or chances, earned me that right to a sublime inner world that was sharpening my assiduity for the aesthetic: poetry, art, absurd corners, discordant elements, and it was that youngster anti-systemic eagerness of mine which pushed me towards the healthy excesses of ink. I wrote my first play at 14, with the title "News from the Underworld" although the revision held in 2016 changed it to "Dolo Sapien" and which film adaptation will be part of the second catalog of scripts in 2025.

1991 – 2000

Some journeys are certainly inward only. It was at the age of 25 that I belatedly learned about love through my relationship with a psychotic artist, that is, I learned too early to maintain balance where there simply was none. Some time later I went off of it backpacking along the route of the Andes, thus abandoning my incipient still promising career as a theater director as well. Poet certification and all.

2001 – 2010

I was still in the poet phase when I returned from my trip and almost became quadriplegic, which made me suddenly obese and depressed. What better excuse to sink even deeper into the poet. In any case, my deplorable physical and mental states made me leave the stage completely. Interestingly, it was this same issue that made me turn to the idea of narrative and screenwriting for the first time. At 35 had a near death experience and I swore to myself that if I managed to stay alive I would officially declare myself a writer (...). My first rather truncated screenwriting project gave way instead to a national scholarship and an international literary award, actually, my only ones. Depression, however, was not over with me yet. There was still more labyrinth to go.

2011 – 2020

After living in the painful Tenochtitlan, I returned again to Yucatan, I will hardly leave here now I am completely convinced. It was almost 20 years in the deep hole of depression, but I finally came out. And having left there says a lot about what I found through the most winding paths of darkness, enriched my inner world in indescribable ways and fed the imagination of my current creativity. In this phase I lived my third and last psychotic relationship, only mentionable because it marked the definitive reunion with myself as well as with my creative maturity, this said in the strictest sense.

2021 – Present

50 years old writer living with my parents should sound embarrassing enough for some people's standards but in fact it is the opposite, my emotional solvency is just as much or more than the intellectual one after so many converging and deterministic breaking points that managed to derive the perfect equation for me. It is until now the solid works see the light on the market, October 1, 2024. As for me, the best is yet to come, so stay on the line...

Books & booklets

Estas son las obras que están actualmente publicadas. Debajo tengo algunas muestras de poesía y teatro con versión de muestra en PDF por si quieren leer algo de mi trabajo.


De lo absoluto




Trilogía revolucionaria


El cazador de mariposas


Eureka no vino

Llórame una sola vez pero galletas ya no. Y luego te me callas


Viaje tan humano

De mis lágrimas se escapan las palabras que nunca se oyeron, murmullos de aliento distal
del destino su vocero. Y en mi rostro liminal luz que apaga mi sendero, ¡ah, mensajero bestial!
¡Cuántos dolores mi pasión! Las entrañas de una explosión como música animal…



Es inútil seguir criando cuervos, ya no tengo ojos que me arranquen… y de poder, ¡pudiera! …contar hasta el infinito sin apoyarme en la tierra que les sostiene, inafecto a patrañas de discordia en lectura fácil de vida fácil: ¡hombres que son dioses y no lo saben! Tanta fe me tiene aplastado, tanta necriscencia en el entrecejo de los devotos… ¡renuncio!



Dicen que los pensamientos son otro modo de existir, que en realidad pensar algo es llevarlo a cabo en algún recóndito lugar desconocido. Eso significa que de alguna manera ya la maté. Y ahora estoy aquí arriba en lo alto… tan alto… en medio de la nada… de todo lo que es, y sigo pensando lo mismo. Soy una mierda, ¿sabes?

It is a fright contained, an absence evoking mysteries, a conspiracy made of lies that, if only for an instant, can be used as someone's supreme truth.

Dramaturgy likes to challenge us to unravel it while with its peculiar degree of complexity it inspects the scenic potentials of the soul.

Andrés Herrera Martín
